Liketoknow.it Spring Sale 2021
The liketoknow.it Spring Sale event began today and goes until Sunday 04/11/21. LTKI has two big sales a year on the app. A number of retailers participate in this special event and offer all LTKI shoppers a nice little discount on new Spring arrivals! Some of my very favorite brands like Quay, Abercrombie, Express are… Read more
What’s In Kristy’s Kart
A new way for me to share with you! I’ll be starting out sharing a few times a week and build from there. Would love your feedback on what kinds of things you’d like to see from me! You can follow me in the LIKE TO KNOW IT APP @kristylpoindexter. I have everything linked up… Read more
Rare Disease Day 2020
Rare Disease Day is celebrated on February 29th. A “rare” date that only occurs once every four years. The main objective of this day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. Due to rare disease, patients and families share a common struggle; difficulty… Read more