This year I was really wanting to start decorating for Christmas early, like the week before Thanksgiving early. Normally we wait until my dad’s birthday on December 13th to buy our tree and start decorating. We’ve put up a fake one in the past, but we love the real one. Sometimes I’ll even put up a real one in our living room and a fake one in our family room next to the fireplace. This year I wanted a flocked tree, but man are the expensive! So we settled on our favorite a lovely little Nobel Fir. I leave all the big decorating to my mom, only because I don’t have a ton of energy to get stuff out and hang stuff up. Instead, every year we leave the tree decorating to me! When I was younger I always wanted to change up the decorations on our tree, but my mom would tell me how expensive tit would be to do every year and their is no tradition when buying new decorations every year. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized mom is always right….As much as I don’t want to admit this (And any of you younger women will learn as you get older)! I now love opening our ornament box and pulling out each and every ornament. Remembering when I got them, who I got them from or any other sentimental value to them. Christmas brings new meaning!
Have you noticed how people nowadays get so wrapped up in the gift giving, shopping and hustle and bustle of the holidays that they loose site of the true meaning of the holidays and what it is to have FAITH! I’ve had health issues most of my life. I’ve had to deal with things most would never encounter in a lifetime. Through this my FAITH has kept me going. Last year I was in and out of the hospital for many months. Then on Dec 19th I was admitted again, but this time I wound up very ill with an abscess on my pancreas. Because of it I wound up in the ICU on life support for 4 days, only to wake up on Christmas Eve! When I came off of the breathing tube I couldn’t move anything, not even my own head. The nurses would have to do everything for me. When you first sit and stand you feel like you’re 100 years old! It’s the worst feeling, but with some time you’re body heals and you’re able to move on! I was in for 62 days, but it felt longer. Going home wasn’t easy, but then it never is….not when you have the nurses and drugs available with every ache and pain! It took a couple more months before I started feeling like myself again. I started working out to build my muscles up and I told myself I never wanted to get that sick and weak again.
What I learned from that whole ordeal is that life is precious! Everyday I tell those who matter to me how much I love them. I talk about and share my story with others so that I can hopefully inspire someone to realizes how important life is. I want people to realize God gave them this one life, why not get out there and live it to the fullest!
That brings me back to my Christmas tree and how this Christmas has opened my eyes in a whole new way! I’m here to enjoy my family and loved ones. To hug them, laugh with them, joke with them and play with them! Who knows how long we are going to be around so take this time to go the extra mile for someone who is less fortunate than you, do something good for someone else. There is magic in the Holidays….it is all around us! We just need to open our eyes!
These Pajamas are the softest most comfortable jammies ever! I got a matching pair for both my mom and I this year! You can get the bottoms here and the top here!
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